🏷️FUND 8

This proposal aims to enable the required budget to reward LATAM Cardano Community core contributors and expand our team. This project is already being executed, has a duration of 3 months and a budget of U$D 18,000. We have hired 3 people who are now part of our team. They are:

Lucas Macchiavelli - Community Management

Funded Proposer in F7 and 8, CA in F8, Cardano Ambassador, Swarm contributor.

Juanita Jaramillo Rivillas - Marketing & Content Management

Mauro Agustín Andreoli - Treasury and Documentation

CA Found 8 and PA in F9. Auditory and PR. Studying to become an Attorney in the National University of La Plata. Innovatio Community Leader & Manager.

This idea is available in: https://cardano.ideascale.com/c/idea/404699

This idea has been completed. Colsing Report: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1YZnlpPdynYn-BG9KmmUzBkABrTh9f6H0

Closing Report Video - English

Closing Report - Español

Last updated