Meeting 3 - August 12th, 2021
Meeting 3 - August 12th, 2021
August 9th, 2021
Agenda discussion for August 12 CC meeting
Attendance: TBA
(0:00) Jump right in: round of questions and/or reactions to the proposed preparations and agenda (below) for August 12 agenda. [Note modify proposed August 12 agenda as we proceed with the round]
Proposed August 12 agenda & preparations:
Send out meeting reminder. Reminder to include encouragement to update the Trello board so that we don’t have to spend meeting time going over CC action updates. (Ask if there are any suggested alternatives to Trello.)
Offer to coach volunteer facilitator and circle admin on roles/strategies for Aug 12 meeting
(NOTE: New facilitator leads with coaching back up if desired. New circle admin takes notes and/or invites others to take notes)
0:00 Check in - how arriving in the meeting
0:07 Administrative
Announcements if any
Date of next CC meeting: August 26, same time
Quick review/summary of last meeting. (Miroboard link)
Accept content agenda
Content Agenda
(0:12) Discuss any issues encountered in the past two weeks with the initiatives identified on the Trello board; perhaps modify one or more initiatives.
(0:40) Reference the Miroboard grid used last meeting, identify new Circle actions and assign responsibilities. In addition to items on the Miroboard, add the following items
Include new item: Proposal: Assign person (or team) to develop plans for election of next Catalyst Circle (New circle to convene October 7).
Proposal: Schedule 5-hour training (& possible follow up) on meeting processes and governance structure concepts, possibly starting the week of August 23. John/Pete to schedule.
Proposal: Select who will facilitate and be circle administrator for CC meetings through September 23. (eg, select persons for those roles, or rotate, identify team to handle/appoint, or other strategy)
Proposal: continue using Trello to track progress of our initiatives
(1:40) Evaluate meeting and discuss results of the evaluation.
(2:00) End meeting
(0:15) Get consent to the modified August 12 agenda.
(0:40) Evaluation of the meeting.
(0:45) End of meeting
Reference Document
Outcomes of meeting
11th August, 2021
Victor Corcino will facilitate the Catalyst Circle meeting #3
Catalyst Circle had a pre Agenda meeting on Monday August 9th at 14.30 UTC to discuss the Agenda for the Catalyst Circle meeting #3 on Thursday August 12th. ( David Taylor - elected member for the Cardano Foundation couldnt join the meeting )(edited) [2:45 PM]
this Meeting was not recorded as we came together to discuss the Agenda only... but well, as each time when humans come together, the conversations always moves a bit off the topic [2:49 PM] The Catalyst Circle members agreed, that Victor Corcino will facilitate the Catalyst Circle meeting #3
August 12th, 2021 - Meeting 3
Meeting recording
Miro Board :
High Resolution Image of Miro Board
Source document :
Agenda Items for CC meeting #3 Thursday, August 12th. at 17.00 UTC
Agenda items for CC meeting #3 - 120min
Check-in - 7m
Discuss gathered problem statements - 1.10H - Victor
Dor on TG:
“Hey, I'm happy to participate in all discussions, but if I had to prioritize I would pick these 3
because I think I can have the most value add there:
(1) Onboarding
(2) Faster funds
(3) CA Reputation
And of course, the problems sensed by IOG. Can other share, say 3 problem they want to contribute to, that are not the problems they brought on the board?“
(1) Onboarding
(2) Faster funds
(3) CA Reputation
(1) Onboarding
(2) Trust/Participation
(3) IOHK/Catalyst independence
(1) IOG Statements
(2) SPO integration into Catalyst
(3) CA Reputation
(1) Onboarding & Introduction
(2) Faster Funds
(3) Improve cooperation / avoid duplicated effort between IOHK and _**_Community
(1) Onboarding & Introduction & Awareness
(2) SPO integration into Catalyst
(2) Faster Funds
On-boarding & Introduction & Awareness
Faster Funds
CA Reputation
SPO integration into Catalyst
CC potential evolution - 30m - Juli + Lauris.
Circle Funding - What resourcing is needed to make the Circle more effective? Requirement, next steps, who does what -
How to prioritize/present internal circle proposals? - Felix + Dean
Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap for the next 4 meetings - Dor - 10m
Suggested Agenda Items for CC meeting #3
Thursday, August 12th. at 17.00 UTC
Agenda items for CC meeting #3 - 120min
Check-in - 7m
Discuss gathered problem statements - 1.10H - Victor
CC potential evolution - 30m - Juli + Lauris.
Circle Funding - What resourcing is needed to make the Circle more effective? Requirement, next steps, who does what -
How to prioritize/present internal circle proposals? - Felix + Dean
Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap for the next 4 meetings - Dor - 10m
To prioritize:
Discuss voting process for CCv2
Resource commitment
Time sensitive issues
Alternative funding
Decision power
Training ( transition )
Action Items besides CC meetings ( suggestions )
Setting up a dev team to develop a circle-tool
Enable resources to pay dev for developing the circle-tool.
Schedule meeting with Lauris, Felix, CF&IOG to explore alternative catalyst funding
Action Items besides CC meetings ( suggestions )
Setting up a dev team to develop a circle-tool
Enable resources to pay dev for developing the circle-tool.
Lauris suggestions
Resources available for CC to fix the issues we are identifying ( changed )
Enable Resources to reward CC members (next round)
Action Items besides CC meetings ( suggestions )
Schedule meeting with Lauris, Felix, CF & IOG to explore alternative catalyst funding
Julianes suggestion
CC Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap
Deans suggestions
Start initiative – anti-scammer bots on social media platforms, preventing bad user
experience for newcomers.
Create a dedicated website for Investor Relations and legislation news. Lobbyists for future
legislation (country specific)
Felix suggestions
CC Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap
Circle tool & delegate voting power
Action Items besides CC meetings ( suggestions )
Setting up a dev team to develop a circle-tool
Enable resources to pay dev for developing the circle-tool.
Schedule meeting with Lauris, Felix, CF&IOG to explore alternative catalyst funding
Summary- suggested Agenda Items
Dean, Felix, Juliane, Lauris, Victor
discuss gathered problem statements (C)
discuss voting process for CCv2 (B)
CC potentially evolution (A)
Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap for the next 4 meetings (A)
Enable Resources to reward CC members (D)
CC Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap (A)
Start initiative – anti-scammer bots on social media platforms, preventing bad user experience for newcomers. (E)
Create a dedicated website for Investor Relations and legislation news. Lobbyists for future legislation (country specific) (F)
CC Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap (A)
Circle tool & delegate voting power (B)
4x (A) CC potentially evolution/ CC Expectation/Objectives and Roadmap
2x (B) discuss voting process for CCv2/ Circle tool & delegate voting power
1x (C) discuss gathered problem statements
1x (D) Enable Resources to reward CC members
1x (E) Start initiative – anti-scammer bots on social media platforms, preventing bad user
experience for newcomers.
1x (F) Create a dedicated website for Investor Relations and legislation news. Lobbyists for
future legislation (country specific)
Summary- suggested Action Items
Setting up a dev team to develop a circle-tool (A)
Enable resources to pay dev for developing the circle-tool. (B)
Schedule meeting with Lauris, Felix, CF & IOG to explore alternative catalyst
funding (C)
Setting up a dev team to develop a circle-tool (A)
Enable resources to pay dev for developing the circle-tool.(B)
Schedule meeting with Lauris, Felix, CF&IOG to explore alternative catalyst
funding (C)
2x (A) Setting up a dev team to develop a circle-tool
2x (B) Enable resources to pay dev for developing the circle-tool.
2x (C)Schedule meeting with Lauris, Felix, CF&IOG to explore alternative catalyst funding
DRAFT The Circle exists to fulfill four key goals:
Source document :
The Circle exists to fulfill four key goals:
1) To facilitate communication between the different functional groups 2) To provide a heads-up when red lines are crossed within a certain group 3) To suggest improvements on plans and processes that shape Project Catalyst 4) To define the election process for Circle V2
How to prioritize/present internal circle proposals?
This document aims to define how CC members can create, formulate and present new proposals within the Catalyst Circle. It takes the lead from the criteria used in existing Catalyst Proposals.
The priorities are measured against the following criteria
impact - what impact does your proposal have on the wider situation
feasibility - how feasible is the proposal over the short, middle or long term
○ - budget - what size budget is required to execute the proposal
auditability - how thoroughly can the proposal be tracked for progress once adopted
adjustability - as this environment is changing constantly and rapidly , proposals have to be flexible to stay in a “just in time” relation
inclusivity - How many groups can define their needs and interest within the submitted proposal
Formulate the proposal in collaboration with other CC Members and/or the wider community
Submit a proposal
Refine a proposal
Finalize a proposal ( google- doc, Word or other collaborative services )
Present your proposal in the CC meeting or beside, in a short, and understandable format.
Simplify and shorten your final presentation
Make sure that everyone in the CC has access to your presentation.
Project Catalyst_CC budget v1
The Circle that monitors the current state and future plans regarding governance in Catalyst. It detects and discusses concerns, objections and opportunities arising within the Catalyst ecosystem. The Circle might By recording meetings and capturing actions in a backlog accessible to all, this activity will provide a view into the hopes, wants, needs, and concerns of the community within Project Catalyst. The Circle is also responsible
The Circle exists to fulfill four key goals:
To facilitate communication between the different functional groups
To provide a heads-up when red lines are crossed within a certain group
To suggest improvements on plans and processes that shape Project Catalyst
To define the election process for Circle V2
Member duties and responsibilities
Like Project Catalyst itself, the Circle will also evolve over time. Initially, elected members will serve 3-month terms, and elections will follow to continue improving and iterating the process. For elected members, Each member of the Circle should:
Represent the community that selected them
Exercise their own best judgement about matters that come before the Circle
Familiarize other members with the projects, activities, aims, hopes, and concerns of their communities
Periodically take the opportunity to introduce policy proposals into the Circle’s agenda for consideration
Inform their communities about initiatives of the Circle
Each member also has the responsibility to:
Regularly attend meetings every two weeks Maintain an agile backlog list to track issues between meetings Review and comment on agenda issues ahead of time
Maintain awareness of the interests and concerns of their community
Disseminate the Circle’s outputs transparently and accessibly
Learn and practice effective meeting procedures
Produce an election protocol document for the next elections
Attend training sessions focused on inclusive and lean startup leadership techniques
Provide feedback on the effectiveness of the Circle
Faster fund discussion briefing
Onboarding and introduction
Agenda Items for CC meeting #4
Thursday, August 26th. at 17.00 UTC Agenda items for CC meeting #3 - 120min
Presenting the reward for CC participants (item 1 excel) - Lauris and Juliane - 10 min
Present idea for a framework for collaboration (item 5 excel) - Victor, Lauris and Juliane - 10 min
Present actions for Onboarding - Victor, Lauris, David, Dean - 10 min
Announce Recruitment for a Challenge team- rapid funding challenge (TH - August 18th)
Break out rooms for problem discussion - All - 1h
Discuss voting process for CCv2 - 10 min
Fill out feedback form about the meeting productivity - 5 min
Last updated
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