Meeting 6 - September 23rd 2021

Meeting 6 - Thursday, 23rd September 2021 at 17.00 UTC

Catalyst Circle (CC) Meeting #6 - Minutes

Thursday, 23rd September 2021 at 17.00 UTC

Meeting Recording


Catalyst Circle members:

  • Dean Jayes

  • Dor Garbash

  • Felix Weber

  • Juliane Montag

  • Lauris Steglics

  • Victor Corcino

Admin staff:

  • Nadim Karam - Facilitator

  • Stephen Whitenstall - Secretary


  • John Buck

Apologies :

  • David Taylor

Agenda Items for CC meeting #6

Planned agenda items for CC meeting #6 - 120 min (2 hours)

Opening, Announcements and Expectations Alignment (10 min)

(00:00) Check-in - All - 5 min

(00.00) - Nadim introduced himself as facilitator. And provided named introductions for facilitator and secretary teams.

(00:05) Revise agenda and align expectations - All - 5 min

Updates on CC actions (60 min)

The Trello Board was updated accordingly

Moving existing Items across the board

(00.10) (CC) Tracking problems and actions - (Trello Card ) - Agree Implementation of guidelines presented at the last Circle meeting and discuss moving existing Items (problem backlog) across the board - Everyone - 30 mins

The following Trello Cards were discussed & amended :

Circle is not resourced to accomplish its goals (Trello Card) - “We need to work on CCv2 initial budget so the next CC can have funds to do the basic functions.” Was moved from Shared with the Community to Picked Up. Now awaiting results from submitted proposals.

T&M: There is a lack of Onboarding & Introduction systems and structures for Project Catalyst - (Trello Card) - Discussion

As there will be a manifestation of vast interest at the Cardano summit. Will we have a greater problem of onboarding starting next week? Is this something we need to guide the community urgently in this regard ? Let's have a conversation on this - Juliane

So far 65k people have registered for the Cardano Summit. About half of these will learn about Project Catalyst and there will be a call to action to register to vote. Either in Daedalus and a new wallet version. This will direct new users to login to Ideascale. A potential scaling-up of 37k to 50k on Ideascale. We can then email these new members and invite them to something - Dor

This is similar to Community Advisor on-boarding. There was a specific target group and the problem as stated was solved. So we target voters as well. We can email them. At the last Saturday Swarm Sessions a number of projects came together to address onboarding structures - Felix

We need to provide answers to “What are you looking for ?”, “Do you want to be xyz” for newcomers. To direct them to the right content. There is one information link. But it is overwhelming because it lead down too many paths - Dor

We need a UX solution. - Nadim

In the past few weeks, 10 to 15 community people have come together to coordinate on boarding efforts and some endorsement from CC would be great - Felix

Let's do an analysis and provide recommendations. Which types of roles are we ready to onboard ? So we can deliver a focused, efficient information funnel. - Dor

At the next Town Hall we should arrange a breakout room to capture the Cardano Summit momentum. What is actionable now for users is voting - so we scale up if greater numbers come - Juliane

Improve awareness of Project Catalyst - (Trello Card) - Discussion

Awareness of Project Catalyst is an ongoing process. We need to address how to involve different parties. We can make some announcements & take initiatives. We need further discussion in Circle to figure how to do this. Some kind of community driven approach is required - Lauris

I prefer well defined problems. So we can see how every group in Catalyst sees it as a success in their own terms. And IOG knows what things they need to reflect on ? Dor

My point is that if it’s a problem sourced from SPO’s , for example, then I think the path to a solution is much simpler and more effective. If we define either the target audience to be SPO’s or how do we leverage SPO’s to raise general Cardano community members to Catalyst. - Dor

This coming Cardano Summit is going to improve awareness of Catalyst - so we need to focus this problem on a more specific subject (such as SPOs ?). Specific, concrete issues gleaned from community - Dor

Unofficial poll by Dean - 10 people out of 30 not aware of Catalyst. Bring up problems to be solved by community - Dean

1 Action : meeting of Circle members next week to discuss strategy for “Improve awareness of Project Catalyst” - (Trello Card) and the way forward.

IOG: How do we remove IOHK from every decision made in Catalyst? How can we transition from governors to service providers? - (Trello Card)

Assigned to Dor and moved from Problem Backlog to Raw Problems (Researching).

IOG has started to research and define this problem. Is this enough to move it to Raw Problems (Researching) ? We will be opening up our research for community discussion - coming soon. - Dor

Yes let's make it a raw problem, a first step in the roadmap. What needs to be considered as the first step to proceed and getting work done. - Juliane

Getting Circles perspective on it would be great - Dor

General Discussion of Tracking problems and actions

I wish we could do an hour on the Trello cards every meeting. Resolving these issues gives me a positive feeling - Dor

Defining the next elections.

Reviewing the previous CCv1 Voting System

(00.40) Reviewing the previous CCv1 Voting System - All - 10 mins

How to transfer leadership to next Circle - Nadim

Quick roundtable on CCv1 Voting System

Before moving onto requirements for a voting system. Dor proposed a quick roundtable of Circle members to assess one thing which was good and one thing to improve in respect of the CCv1 Voting System that took place in July 2021

What was Good ?

What to improve ?

Circle Member

Happened in short time

Integrate participation of ADA voters via an app.


Happened in short time

Not much time to prepare. Some kind of presentation required from candidates. Depends on how ADA voting works.


Selection committee requirements. Referring to John Buck’s suggestion they could also vote for a selection committee rather than directly for the rep.


We were sure of 1 person 1 vote.

People had to be present at Town Hall.


It was a natural process - intimate.

Someone was nominated and was not aware. Some backup would have been preferable.


It was good that it happened and the right people selected.

There is a legitimacy gap between voting methods.


Can we add time to discuss term limits ? - Dean

(00.50) Defining the next election process for CCv2 - Chainvote - Felix - 10 mins

2 Secretary Action : Can the secretary reverse engineer the election process. That is, provide a project management timeline of what needs to be done and when for the elections to happen ? So that Circle members may know how much time to prepare. What specifically are our tasks? Together with recommendation and deadlines - Dor

Which voting process app will be used ? Last time it was Google forms which is a proprietary format. A blockchain technical solution would be preferable. But there is no mature solution available now. Can IOG tech be used ? - Felix

Some set of criteria would need to be defined for such a use - Dor

A solution like Chainvote (Bchainify) is accessible via a weblink. A browser platform, with the user informed by mobile. Built on hyperledger. Would be easy to implement - Felix

Other CC Actions

(01.00) Scam Problem Sensing - (Trello Card) - Dean - 10 mins

There are a lot of scams popping up and fears of scams. The current emerging threat alarm challenge does not address scams per se. A specific campaign for scam prevention would allow more proposals to address this issue - Dean

Come to the next Town Hall and present the problem, ask who would want to be part of the Challenge team. Then we can move the scam Trello card across the board - Dor

I am not equipped to lead a campaign, but I can present the idea, All voters are encompassed in this campaign. The source of the issue was a search committee Q&A - Jordan. I will post more information in Circle Telegram afterwards- Dean

Open Conversation (10 min)

(01.10) Open Conversation. Topics: - 10 mins

Fund 6 Retrospective - Victor / Dor

Right now we need to decide how to label this activity. We should focus on what we have learned from this Fund 6. A prioritised list of action items and issues. Together with some kind of improvement plan. Circle can facilitate some After Town Halls. Fund 6 Retrospective sessions informed by lived experience - Dor

This is a great opportunity to come up with problem statements for CC v2. Mike McNulty is really good at this, we can contact him to help us here - Victor

I like both of these suggestions - Dor

The time availability of CC is a concern. Live sessions might not be feasible given our current time commitments - Felix

3 Action point : The Admin team would be happy to facilitate a Fund 6 Retrospective session - Nadim

New topics for discussion (10 min)


(01.20) C-Society - Space of Urgency, SecretDecks, PACE, QA-DAO, LIDO Nation - to petition for Circle support ? - Related to Onboarding Problem (Trello Card)

( Ideation and draft solutions for Rewarding/Reputation/Onboarding structures and systems - Felix - 10 mins)

T&M: There is a lack of Onboarding & Introduction systems and structures for Project Catalyst - moved from Problem Backlog to Raw Problem (Researching).

This topic is related to the “lack of Onboarding & Introduction systems” card. The initiative is called “Rewarding/Reputation/Onboarding structures and systems”. A community initiative has agreed to collaborate and work together. The initiative is led by George Lovegrove & Tyler Wales - Felix

Co-operation from IOG would be great to support and build a solution. And they have come up with a proposal / petition. Felix

If it can be written out clearly - IOG can provide feedback - Dor

Shall I run through a short proposal now ? - Felix

Reputation is one of the top governance problems - CC will not solve it - Dor

I understand the focus is more related to on-boarding. Move everything more on GitBook and GitHub repo to provide building blocks and new use cases - Felix

4 Action : Circle members will share feedback on C-Society & On-boarding Telegram CC - Nadim

Next CC priority, action items, closing remarks (10 min)

(01:30) Go over action items and identify ownership, closing remarks - All - 10 min

5 Action : TH presentations - The Admin group (Facilitators & Secretaries) need to take the lead on CC Slides to be presented each week at Town Hall. How to integrate with Circle meetings and refine our communication - Dor

6 Action : List out action items - after meeting and post to Telegram - Stephen / Nadim

General Discussion on CCv2 and handover

In 4 weeks time it is the final meeting of CC 1 and it is 6 weeks until the first meeting of CC 2 - Victor

Are we going to incorporate any onboarding or rotation of Circle members - Dean

Can we document handover learnings ? - Nadim

We need to identify requirements we are going to need for new people - Dean

No one knows better than CC members - Nadim

What characteristics, traits and qualities have been identified for voter representative - Dean / Nori

Another option is staggered terms so that the whole CC doesn’t change at one time - John Buck

Maybe there should be a small overlap, 1 month with 'veteran members' helping the new ones in the background - Victor

Not all of CC is changing, Cardano Foundation and IOG representatives are staying - Lauris

Also the Facilitators & Secretaries team probably - Dor

7 Action : The big risk is not being ready - using CCv1 as a first draft - 1 or 2 Circle members should review and recommend changes with directed discussion points. 2 weeks deadline - aligned with our capacity. What are the critical issues ? What change brings the biggest impact - 1 or 2 things ?

For example : sourcing more Circle candidates - more preparation in advance. I would like to hear other points - Dor

In respect of the criteria for the next person, I would not qualify myself. We should focus on what is good for CC, not what is good for ourselves. It took 3 meetings to mesh CCv1 - hopefully CCv2 will be better prepared - Dean

Summary of Action Items

1 Action : meeting of Circle members next week to discuss strategy for “Improve awareness of Project Catalyst” - (Trello Card) and the way forward. - Circle members

2 Secretary Action : Can the secretary reverse engineer the election process. That is, provide a project management timeline of what needs to be done and when for the elections to happen ? So that Circle members may know how much time to prepare. What specifically are our tasks? Together with recommendation and deadlines - Dor / Stephen / Secretaries

3 Action point : The Admin team would be happy to facilitate a Fund 6 Retrospective session - Nadim / Facilitators & Secretaries

4 Action : Circle members will share feedback on C-Society & On-boarding Telegram CC - Nadim / Circle members

5 Action : TH presentations - The Admin group (Facilitators & Secretaries) need to take the lead on CC Slides to be presented each week at Town Hall. How to integrate with Circle meetings and refine our communication - Dor / Stephen / Secretaries

6 Action : List out action items - after meeting and post to Telegram - Stephen / Nadim

7 Action : Facilitate separate meeting to address CC handover - Nadim, Stephen & Circle

8 Action : Draft handover document - use CCv1 as first draft - 1 or 2 Circle members to review and recommend changes with directed discussion points. Victor, Dor and Nadim

9 Action: Stephen to refer to action points made during the meeting. One immediate lesson learnt is that I cannot do the Trello and minutes at the same time. That is why I was unable to keep with the actions in real time. So next time Nadim will screen share. Stephen / Nadim

Meeting feedback and buffer time (20 min)

(01:40) Fill out feedback form about the meeting productivity - 5 min

(01:45) Buffer time / Open dialogue - All - 15 min

(02:00) End

Feedback :

I am enjoying the Trello board activity. We should do breakout rooms and work in parallel. Talk in blocks and triple our output - Dor

Source :

Last updated

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