Swarm Sessions - August 2021

Saturday Swarm Sessions for the month of August 2021

7th August 2021- Holiday Gaming Edition

Discord Context

14th August, 2021

Discord Context

Catalyst Swarm - Challenge Team discussion

Community chat about the new role in Cardanos ecosystem, Project Catalyst - The Challenge Team

Catalyst Swarm session - Fund 6 Insight Sharing

Insight Sharing is the first phase before community members start proposing proposals into Fund 6. Today we will go through few Insights and figure out what are we looking for in insight stage and how could we make this stage a bit better.

Miro Board link: https://miro.com/app/board/o9J_l2OQwxM=/

Catalyst Swarm website: https://www.swarm4catalyst.com/

Cardano Innovation Platform: https://cardano.ideascale.com

25th August, 2021

Mini Proposal workshop v1 overview

Last updated