Catalyst Town Halls - July 2022
06th July 2022
Breakout rooms
Catalyst Circle Town Hall
The Catalyst Community in a general discussion about the Catalyst Circle Objectives on July 6th.
CCv3 Catalyst Circle Voting Discussion
This is a community discussion regarding the Catalyst Circle Election and Voting process, possibilities, history and current status.
13th July 2022
Breakout rooms
Enabling Onchain Voting w/ DripDropz
Discussing the tools and technology that enable on chain voting in a measurable, auditable, and repeatable way.
DAOsloveCardano Proposer Presentations in ATH
Join us to present and discuss proposals in the DAOs Love Cardano Challenge. Built with Love, Cardano and You!
Atala PRISM / Pioneer Program / ProofSpace VC/Schema Discussion
Discuss Atala PRISM, decentralized identity, self-sovereign identity, and support for the PRISM Pioneer Program. ProofSpace will also share the work being done on verifiable credential schemas.
20th July 2022
Breakout rooms
PRISM DIDs for PA Onboarding
We welcome feedback on the implementation of our Fund 8 project, which leverages self-sovereign identity to implement a required PA onboarding course. We are planning a Fund 10 pilot and look forward to input from the PA community on the process design.
Photrek FCNT NeuroProphet Demo
Demo by Kevin Chen.
Cardano & Global Legal Cannabis
Rubic cubing how the newly evolving global cannabis industry can merge and support the Cardano Catalyst Community using blockchain, crypto and web3 opportunities.
27th July 2022
Breakout rooms
Consenz Co-Design Session
Consenz - an agreements platform, was funded for improving the PA/vPA guidelines editing process. This session is for gathering feedback as part of consenz design. If you have participated in discussion around PA/vPA guidelines your input will be most appreciated.
Snapbrillia Pre-Launch Demo & Monthly Progress
Snapbrillia is launching! Please sign up, share, and consider voting YES in F9:
Snapbrillia pre-launch demo and progress for the community with Ninh Tran (Snapbrillia), James Willingham (Snapbrillia), Beatrice Thelisma (Snapbrillia), and many others in the Cardano Catalyst community. Chat History:
Last updated